The Wines of Chile
Chile provides the wine lover with a fascinating mix of new and familiar grapes, varied topography plus a wine industry that shows so much promise for the years ahead.
Since Spanish settlers first planted vineyards in Chile’s Mediterranean climate almost 500 years ago, we are now able to enjoy a host of wines made from mostly international grape varieties and available to us on every supermarket shelf. However, there is so much more to discover and it is worth seeking-out those wines produced by smaller-scale wineries, despite the temptation of £6 bottles of Casillero Del Diablo at your local Tesco Express!
On Friday 21st April, we welcomed 25 keen wine loves to Elleray Hall in Teddington and tasted 5 Chilean wines, all chosen for their value and their ability to showcase the different wine regions of the 3000 mile long strip of land in South Amercia.
Exploring Chile in just five wines!
You can find out more about Chilean wine from my fact sheet, following the link below. Cheers!